Tuesday, July 14, 2009

HIV/AIDS Not So Hot in The US


Joyce Magoti


COMING from a continent where HIV/AIDS is every where and where many people are dying because of the disease, Tanzanian journalist currently attending the exchange program in Maine were relieved to learn how in the US the disease is not an alarming issue.


Tanzania alone, due to the spread of the disease, the country has launched a number of anti-HIV campaign with the President himself, Jakaya Kikwete, leading in the testing exercise.


Speaking with the Tanzanian journalists at the University of Maine recently, Professor Claire Sullvan, who has researched on a number of health communication and campaign related to HIV /AIDS in Sub Saharan Countries said unlike Africa, the US has controlled spread of the disease.


She said because of the problem in Africa a number of campaigns have been introduced including 'One Love' and 'It Begins With You.'


Professor Sullivan had cited a number of Sub Saharan countries where the programs have been running.


However no research have been done before the programs were put in place, as some countries has tribes that still practice polygamy system as well as inheriting wives.


So in my point of view the One love campaign will be possible if they will do research first in order to find the best way of campaigning in those areas.


Although HIV/AIDS in US is not an issue, the Don had expressed fear for those practice same sex relationship that might be in high risk of contracting the infections.


At the Broadcasting Network the visiting journalists were told when they visited the station that the last story was publish on the 1st of December that is The World AIDS Day.


Learning of such news is a big push to a country like Tanzania where, after such experience the journalists are expected to go back home and enlighten their own society.



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