Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's Good Governance, Health and Poverty Reduction

By Deus Ngowi

THE most important themes in Africa now are 'Good Governance'; 'Health' and 'Poverty Reduction.

The three themes were selected out of dozens, in a well interactive session of nine Tanzanian journalists on July 16th, led by Dr. Susan Hunter at The Maine University, where the journalists reside.

The journalists formed opinion that everything should be done to make sure that the three are clearly met in their fullness, if the world is to be a better place to live in. Most of their attention, however, was on African continent, where they hail from.

The journalists are on a four weeks exchange program sponsored by United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The journalists are trained on HIV/AIDS, Democracy and Good Governance.

Earlier on, themes which were selected randomly were HIV/AIDS; Literacy; Poverty Reduction; Cultural Aspects; Democracy; Technology Adaptation; Good Governance; Freedom of Expression; Investment; Corruption; Infrastructure Improvement and Empowering Women.

Others are Civil War; Green Revolution; Entrepreneurship; Environment; Rural Development; Positive Self Image and Economic Integration. However, having chosen the three themes mentioned earlier on, an opinion was formed that there are things which will determine the three.

Those were mentioned and discussed as Super Powers decisions and Neo colonialism. It was so decided because of the fact that many things are decided by few super powers and the emerging neo colonial situation is posed to affect a lot in future.
The journalists had time to watch different films, some related to HIV/AIDS, whereby there was a situation of loosing hope among the folks, due to bad health of people living with HIV/AIDS, while parents are thinning up due to lack of proper health care and good food. Communities are shown filled with cemeteries, while other people are washing the sick.

Dr. Hunter, who has worked in Africa and written several books on AIDS in Africa, America and Asia, now has turned to Architecture, wishing to become the most successful one in future. She was of the opinion that AIDS is all about character, which shapes everybody. It was much to consolation of the journalists, that she wrote a book about AIDS in America, because it was proved to be the first of such book in their midst.

She explained that in the big city of New York, there is a place which has as higher rate of AIDS infection as it is in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Also, she said that in America, there were some women who thought that by using pills for anti pregnancy, they could not contract AIDS.

Why is AIDS so much contracting people around the world? Possible answers offered by the journalists were that in respective ares there are lack of good governance; unfair distribution of resources; effects of cultural values treasured by different societies such as those inheriting widows. Ignorance or lack of education was also mentioned as a great cause.

Dr. Hunter spoke in length about AIDS in America, and led the trainees through perusing and looking at AIDS organizations established in America for different objectives. The unanswered question is if such organizations are actively engaged in fight against the pandemic.

She led her class members to ponder on why they chose to become journalists; what is the biggest story they sought and wrote in their carrier and lastly highlight five goals they aspire to accomplish in their life. The one having the above byline listed the following; more self education; educate his children; help common people; make Tanzania free of HIV/AIDS and himself be a good citizen.

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